Disclaimer: All items posted here are strictly satirical in nature. Sometimes it's to be funny and other times it's to prove a point.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hillary Clinton to consider Bill Clinton as possible running mate

By C.F. Twob
PFP staff writer

In a move that has surprised some, New York Senator Hillary Clinton is reportedly considering her husband, former president Bill Clinton, as a possible running mate.

Mrs. Clinton, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for the 2008 presidential race, feels that her husband would be the best choice for vice president.

“Mrs. Clinton feels [former North Carolina Senator] John Edwards is too wishy-washy and too girlie, and [Democratic opponent] Barack Obama has made comments about her and her husband recently that she feels are nothing short of unforgivable,” said a source within her campaign.

The source, who’s speaking exclusively to Ponderings from Pluto on the condition of anonymity, said that Clinton’s staff is working feverishly, poring over the U.S. Constitution to study the legality of this scenario.

Bill Clinton is barred from running for president again because he served two consecutive terms. However, what is not clear is whether or not he is barred from running for vice president.

“Mrs. Clinton feels her husband would be an excellent addition to her campaign, and since she played a very active role in his presidency, she feels he could do the same for her in her presidency,” the source explained.

Having the former president as Vice President, the source added, would also be environmentally-friendly for America. Since both would occupy the White House, that would eliminate the need for gas, water, electric and other utilities to be run at the Vice Presidential residence.

“As a result, Hillary Clinton’s presidency would leave a much smaller carbon footprint than that of other candidates,” the source explained.

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